This tab displays the cost-effectiveness calculator for long-term, peer recovery support services delivered after specialty substance use disorder treatment at a recovery community organization. If you would like to use the cost-effectiveness calculator for bystander naloxone distribution at a recovery community organization, please use the tab above to navigate to that section.


Societal Perspective Results: Averted Costs to Society

Societal Perspective Results: Difference in Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy (Incremental Effects)

Societal Perspective Results: Difference in Number of People in Recovery (Incremental Effects)


Health System Perspective Results: Averted Medical Costs

Health System Perspective Results: Difference in Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy (Incremental Effects)

Health System Perspective Results: Difference in Number of People Retained in Recovery (Incremental Effects)

This tab displays the cost-effectiveness calculator for bystander naloxone distribution at a recovery community organization. If you would like to use the cost-effectiveness calculator for long-term peer recovery support services, please use the tab above to navigate to that section.

Incremental Costs

Incremental Effects

Cost-Effectiveness Threshold

Lives Saved

View a webinar providing background information on the project, information about using and interpreting cost-effectiveness information, and a tutorial of how to use the calculator.

This project was made possible by funding from the Recovery Research Institute, NIDA R24DA051988 Pilot Grant. This study was reviewed by the UTHealth Houston Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects and declared exempt, IRB# HSC-SPH-21-1057.

Principal Investigator: H. Shelton Brown, III, PhD, [email protected]

Graduate Research Assistants:

  1. Sierra Castedo de Martell, PhD, MPH, (PRSS lead) [email protected]
  2. Margaret Brannon Moore, MPH, LLM, JD, (bystander naloxone lead) [email protected]

Please contact the research team with additional questions or feedback.

We welcome your feedback at the following link:

Acknowledgements: In addition to funding from the Recovery Research Institute, this project was made possible thanks to the extensive feedback provided by two Austin, Texas-based recovery community organizations: Communities for Recovery and RecoveryATX.